Dear Mom and Dad

we had to write a letter asking for something as an english assignment. I thought it was funny enough to post on my blog

Dear Mom and Dad,


When I was young you read me the book The Hobbit and after recently seeing the movie renditions I have gone back to my original want. A dragon would be a great addition to this family. A warm, cuddly, reptile for all those cold nights. A large scaly beast is exactly what we need to complete our family life and home.

One issue you may be thinking of is the fact that we are not “un-accessibly wealthy” and without a hoard of treasure to guard a dragon would not stick around for long. This is really an issue of interpretation, we may not have a hoard of treasure and shiny jewels but we do have a hoard of unused computer cords and plastic bags kept in other plastic bags. We just need the right dragon, you know what they say “one dragons garbage is another dragons treasure”.

Now we move on to the issue of care. A dragon is a lot of work but I have found a solution. Most dragons are large but like large dogs us civilized people just need a down size. A small dragon would have to eat less and dealing with the waste would be manageable. As most dragons would prefer a diet of stolen maidens and cows I am absolutely positive peanut butter would be an optimal replacement.

The last problem we face is the fact that our house is in no way fireproof. There is no getting around this one with breed choice, Dragons breath fire. A lot of training will have to be done before a dragon (even a small one) could live in our very burnable house. I have found the perfect place to keep it during these years of training. The school basement has plenty of room for a small dragon is probably fireproof enough for a dragon, and any dietary problems would be solved within a short walk.

A dragon would be far more effective than any guard dog and is a warm clever companion. When it comes down to it any problem we face could easily be solved by smart breed choice and good training. As an added bonus the neighbors dog would never bother us again. All we need to do is find a suitable dragon trainer, a lifetime supply of peanut butter, and pile all of those wires and plastic bags together in a neat pile. Or we could get a dog.

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Goals and The Future: 2015

As kids we know exactly what we want to do, It doesn’t bother us that we change that idea five times a year. We don’t bother ourselves with the prospect of skill. I wanted to be a paleontologist (Dinosaurs are cool yo). I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately as my final year in high school draws closer to an end. I have no idea what I’m doing, I have no direction, and no sign as to where to go. So my game plan is to clear the fog, scrape together a makeshift path out of lose stones and hope it becomes a high way. I’m going to do this by unlocking my child brain and let it stick my skills together on some paper with some macaroni and glitter; call it aesthetic.

So, what does the kid me base my future on? Well interest of course (Dinosaurs still cool yo). I love music, like a lot and I know that if you ask any teenager what they like music will come up, hell ask anyone for a list of favorite things and its almost guaranteed to be on the top ten. Does that bother child me? nah child me is a badass, child me doesn’t care if my parents would cry at the prospect of another artist child wasting there life. Child me doesn’t fear that others may have failed.

What else is kid me not afraid of? Well, failed exams are one , going fast down the hill on skis, what other people think, and not having a perfect life. oh. Kid me changes their job idea five times a month. I should probably stop worrying about having one job forever or the idea of failure in one career then.

So what does this have to do with 2015? This year I’m going to let kid me be my guide. I’m going to explore music, maybe learn a new instrument and learn more about the ones I can play. I’m going to stop doubting myself (or make an active effort to try). I’m going to try new things and change my mind five times a year.

I’m going to keep listening to Watsky (forever and ever)

the inspiration for this post

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Wasting time on Crush Casual

When I get a text at 2am

a cry for help

the first thing I do after I unlock my phone is

“oh damn thats, thats really bright”

You had better be pretty damn precise

Its 2 a’clock in the morning and I’m following this cry for help in circles

“are you okay?”

“I’m fine”

“why are you texting me”

“I need someone to talk to”

“okay whats up”

“I cant tell you”

Is this a

“the boy who doesn’t know I exist broke my heart”

or is it a

“Tell this to everyone when I’m gone”

because I don’t have time for conversation,

while you cry your heart break the latter is breaking their heart

piece by piece

I can’t tell the difference between serious suicidal and crush casual by a

“I’m fine, how about you?”

It’s 3 a’clock in the morning

“you should be asleep”

“I know”






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Well then

Tired of watsky yet? To bad.
Last year of high school, look at that. I just wanted to give you guess some helpful advice.

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Sometimes I pretend to be a slug. I just lie down on my bed face first and think about slug things. I’ve been really stressed and anxious lately and all my problems seem to leave when I am a slug. It’s strangely therapeutic.
I’ve begun to wonder why this is so effective. Some people dance, play music, make art, I on the other hand pretend to be a slug. See many explanations have been put into this kinda thing, from my understanding music, dance, art, it’s a way of relieving the pressure of life, the crushing force of the uselessness of ones life in relation to the universe. I pretend to be a slug.
It doesn’t me sense, nope, the best explanation is just that I’m weird and that humans are just naturally a bit weird in the head. I don’t really mind that pretending to be a slug is one of my only reliefs it’s just. When one practices music they become skilled at it. “What special talents and skills do you have?” “Well sir I’m particularly good at pretending to be a slug”. It’s just not that impressive I guess.
I get really bad anxiety sometimes. It took me a really long time to come to terms with it. But if pretending to be a slug is the only way from stopping my brain from collapsing on itself. I guess being a slug as my one and only talent can’t be that bad right?

I’m sorry this post literally went no where

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Protected: What a waste of space

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Protected: This is obnoxious

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Space the final frontier

This was pointless, I had something I was going to say but I forgot,
How typical of me

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Metaphor: missing pieces

If you know me well you know that I like to make metaphors. I don’t know were this habit came from and it usually never amounts to anything but more confusion for other people, but for me, metaphors are my personal filter.
metaphors are the tool I use to help me explain and to better understand the world around me. I never knew the right way to explain the works of my mind, as most people struggle to but I have found the best way to explain it as (my friends have heard this I’m sure) my brain is a perfectly well oiled machine… With a gear missing, it whurrs and clicks at a rapid pace but it will never be able to perfectly connect the thoughts into words. That gear is missing.
Now this got me thinking maybe this metaphor relates to everyone. People aren’t perfect that’s a fact. Maybe everyone has a gear missing but maybe for other people it’s a spring, or piston, or maybe it’s just a small screw. Maybe people have a whole bunch of pieces missing.
Now this is where things get interesting. Where are these pieces? Who has them? A lot of people believe in soul mates, but maybe the person who has your missing piece is a friend or a family member. What if a whole bunch of different people each have their own piece that perfects your machine?
And that’s how I found the perfect metaphor. The mind is like a perfect well oiled machine with a piece missing. Everyone has there own missing piece, and in an attempted to perfect it they reach out offering to fill a piece of another person in exchange for the sanity of that filled missing piece. Some people attempt to force a piece shoving it were it does not belong causing harm to both. Some believe they are broken and don’t belong, giving up on ever finding their missing piece. Others softly mend and fit themselves carefully into place forming new relations and pieces to clink into space. When everyone works together you have a fully functional, highly productive working machine.
So friends and whoever may stumble upon this blog, I hope you find your missing piece and never underestimate the power of a good metaphor.

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Random thought

People Always say all mystical “listen to the trees” but you want to know what they would say? They would probably just complain about not enough water or the amount of sunlight they are getting.


I guess it makes sense though that’s all they know. People are sorta the same.

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